Mobilization and political participation on the management of rural territories: experiences about social management in the rural territory at Baixo Amazonas, AM - Brazil



  • Pedro Rapozo Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
  • Juliana Araújo Alves Universidade do Minho - Lab2PT



gestão social, CODETER, governança, territórios rurais, baixo amazonas


The concepts of governance and the social management in the rural territory at Baixo Amazonas, AM were monitorate along 3 years through the ‘Célula de Acompanhamento e Informação do Baixo Amazonas, AM’. Social management presupposes the existence of social actors and public managers able to carry out the strategies of concentration of public and private agents, around a common future project, based on the promotion of the assets of a territory and the elimination of barriers and constraints to this future. The Management of the CODETER was thought from the three axes that compose the questionnaire, the Mobilization and the Participation, the Functioning of the CODETER like structure of governance and, finally, the Impacts. The first axis evaluated the organization, the frequency of meetings and the decision-making capacity of its members. The second axis evaluated the structure, the existence of gaps in its functioning, the nature of the relationship between the actors, as well as their level of knowledge about the issues surrounding territorial politics. The third axis evaluated the effects of the actions of the CODETER on the life of the population and for the development of the territory. From the conceptual point of view, the CODETERs are understood as spaces of participation and deliberation, i.e., an instance that brings together the different social actors of the Territory in the search for convergence and the creation of consensuses.


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How to Cite

Rapozo, P., & Alves, J. A. (2019). Mobilization and political participation on the management of rural territories: experiences about social management in the rural territory at Baixo Amazonas, AM - Brazil: EXPERIÊNCIAS SOBRE A GESTÃO SOCIAL NO TERRITÓRIO RURAL DO BAIXO AMAZONAS, AM – BRASIL. REVISTA GEONORTE, 10(35), 74–89.