The Construction of Citizenship Supported for instruction and learning in geography


  • Sheila Castro dos Santos Universidade Estadual de Londrina



This text was prepared with the objective of evidencing the pedagogical practices that can be discussed in the superior course of geography and in the discipline of geography in basic education, since the social contrasts are evidenced through the teaching of the political organization of the Nation-State, within the national territory are the political actions developed by the legislative and executive powers that shape the economy, health, security, education, social security and must have their clarification in the different levels of education, with the specificity that each one of them possesses. In this sense, the teaching of geography involves cultural and behavioral awareness, propound with the knowledge acquired from past generations, a promising dialogue with the present, seeking new concepts for the renewal and improvement of techniques for teaching and learning. In this way, the hermeneutic approach was used for critical and humanistic literary adaptation, in this perspective, explaining the state organization implies a conception directly acquired in the texts of the critical school of geography, where from it space is considered a product of human actions that shape it. With the understanding that the construction of citizenship permeates the skills and competences of the geography teacher when applying political geography in the classroom at the educational moment, whether in higher or basic education, it will be their scientific knowledge that will make the difference, and this action it is related to their professional training, with the teaching experience and their pedagogical praxis, what is exposed to them and what they are willing to cognitively learn to build their knowledge.

Author Biography

Sheila Castro dos Santos, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Docente do Departamento de Geociências no curso de Geografia da UEL; Doutora em Geografia Humana; Mestre em Geografia Humana; Licenciada e Bacharel em Geografia; Licenciada e Bacharel em História; pesquisadora do grupo GEOFOME - Geografia da Fome, Território, Campo-Cidade e Desenvolvimento, da Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná; pesquisadora do grupo de pesquisa LABCart / UNIR.


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How to Cite

Castro dos Santos, S. . (2023). The Construction of Citizenship Supported for instruction and learning in geography. REVISTA GEONORTE, 14(46).

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