
  • Liliane Lacerda Fleuri Centro Universitário do Norte


Education. Political Organization. Fishermen.


Education as a mechanism for the political organization of fishermen of the AM-07 Fishermen's Colony in Autazes-AM, is a significant debate to understand the political action of fishermen in the Amazon. To that end, the objectives were to study education as an instrumentality for the political organization of fishermen, considering that the history of the political organization of fishermen that marks the struggle for the right to use fishing resources and access to social goods and services. In addition, to characterize the educational profile of the fishermen of the colony AM-07, in the search to identify if the educational formation contributes to the strengthening of the political organization. Thus, the study was developed through bibliographical, documentary and field research, in which the data collected from a critical perspective were analyzed. With this, fishermen find in the political organization a strategy of accessing fishery resources, as it was identified through research, that education is presented as a strengthening of the political organization of the fishermen of the municipality, since it influences this process , especially in the dialogue with the public power and in the spaces of decision-making.



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How to Cite

Fleuri, L. L. (2019). EDUCATION AS A MECHANISM FOR THE POLITICAL ORGANIZATION OF FISHERMEN COLONY OF FISHERMEN IN AUTAZES-AM 07. Jornal Research and Practice on Inclusive Education, 1(2), 229–244. Retrieved from //