
  • Gabriele Cristina Albuquerque FMU Centro Universitário
  • Renata Calixto Oliveira FMU Centro Universitário


written language. Learning. Speech-language pathology, lenguaje, aprendizaje, desarrollo y terapia del lenguaje escrito.


Learning is a process of building of the knowledge, it happens when the brain reacts to the environment stimulus, performing the synapses and / or making them more intense. To know the neurodevelopment helps the educator to consider the biological basis and the neurofunctional mechanisms in the use of pedagogical theories and practices, getting the best potential from your student. The objective of this study was to characterize the knowledge of primary school educators about the neurobiological process of acquisition of reading and writing and to verify the effectiveness of the speech-language therapy guidance with them. The data collection was done through the application of a questionnaire in 31 Teacher from Elementary School 1, located in the cities of Ferraz de Vasconcelos and Mauá, with the objective of extracting the previous knowledge of the teachers about this subject. In the week after the data collection, an explanatory leaflet about the theme was delivered and, the same questionnaire was reapplied to the teachers who had received the leaflet in order to verify the speech-language pathology effect in the researched situation. This is an experimental study that was submitted to the Research Ethics Committee and all the participants has signed a consent term of their own free will. The results indicated that teachers have little knowledge about the acquisition of written language and have doubts about the difference between disorders and learning difficulties. In addition, it was figure out the effectiveness of the speech-language guidance to improve the comprehension of the teachers researched about the learning problems.


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Author Biographies

Gabriele Cristina Albuquerque, FMU Centro Universitário

Fonoaudióloga pela Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU). E-mail: gabriele_silva@hotmail.com.br

Renata Calixto Oliveira, FMU Centro Universitário

Fonoaudióloga pela Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU). E-mail: recalixto.musica@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Albuquerque, G. C., & Oliveira, R. C. (2019). TEACHERS KNOW LEDGE ABOUT THE LEARNING OF WRITTEN LANGUAGE. Jornal Research and Practice on Inclusive Education, 1(2), 214–228. Retrieved from //www.periodicos.ufam.edu.br/index.php/educacaoInclusiva/article/view/4195