ARQUEOLOGIA DA EDUCAÇÃO EM SAÚDE: concepção e desenvolvimento de um campo disciplinar


  • Darlisom Sousa Ferreira Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, UEA
  • Elizabeth Teixeira UEPA/Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, UEA
  • Anete Leda de Oliveira Martins Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, UEA
  • Gesiane Araújo Frota UEA/Hospital Getúlio Vargas, Manaus
  • Cleise Maria de Goes Martins UEA


ABSTRACT: This text has as its object the historiography of educational health practices, their connections with the Brazilian educational field, and its interface with health policies in Brazil. This is a bibliographic and historical documentary article that aims to describe and discuss the relations between these fields under the perspective of philosophy and the history of Brazilian education, answering questions related to the historical emergence of health practices in the political, ideological context, social, economic and micro and macro structural relations of these scenarios. It highlights the relevance of the nurse's educational competence, and expresses a brief reflection on the importance of educational practices in the health of the individual, family and community. In this sense, it goes through the origins of campaign sanitation, the discussions of health and disease, the political and ideological clashes for the construction of a public health system, the foundations of pedagogical action in health and its contributions in the construction and training of individuals to a healthy global society.

Keywords: Health Education, History, Health Policies in Brazil, Educational Competence of Nurses.



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